Introducing "Out of Order"

The tenants association has received so many complaints from members about things that don’t work properly at 3003 Van Ness and that Equity Residential has failed to repair properly, we’ve decided to to create a blog to track these problems, “Out of Order.”

We hate to have to go to such lengths to pressure Equity to maintain the building, keep the laundry facilities working properly, fix leaks in the ceilings of the fitness center and the garage, clean the ventilation system, replace light bulbs in lampposts, repair sidewalks, keep the garage door functioning properly, make sure apartments get heat and hot water, etc.

However, Equity Residential has failed to do all of these things for years — and has only responded recently when pressured by the tenant association and by city inspectors.

For this reason, we launch “Out of Order.” We can’t list everything here - that would be a full-time job - but we’ll list some of the most aggravating failures.

If you are a resident of 3003 and you have something to report, first make sure that you have complained in writing to Equity, then alert the tenants association via the main email address or this form.