Any resident of 3003 Van Ness who is not an employee of Equity Residential is eligible to be a member of the Van Ness South Tenants Association.

If you already know that you want to join, you can print and fill out this form, sign it, and email a photo to

Benefits of joining the tenants association

  • There is no cost and no obligation to be a member.

  • You can have a say in Equity Residential’s planned sale of 3003 Van Ness. By law, the tenant association and its members have the legal right to purchase the building at a fair price. You can help decide whether to purchase the building or instead to negotiate better living conditions with another buyer. You may have the opportunity to purchase your apartment, or you can choose to continue renting it. Either way, you are better off joining the tenants association and having a say in the outcome than leaving all decisions to Equity Residential.

  • Get help with problems in your apartment. The tenants association has become very experienced in how to force Equity Residential to provide adequate maintenance. We will share what we know.

  • Get advice about rent increases and other legal issues. 3003 Van Ness is subject to rent stabilization, an anti-gouging measure that limits how much a landlords can raise your rent annually. We worked with DC Attorney General Karl Racine to stop Equity from using a scam to overcharge tenants, who recently won a $1 million settlement for residents of 3003 who were overcharged in the past.

  • Find out what is going on in our community. The emails sent to residents by Equity Residential often omit important facts, arrive late, or avoid important subjects altogether. Get the real news from the tenants association.

  • Share information with other residents via our Google Group or WhatsApp chat.

  • Receive additional legal protection under DC law. If a landlord retaliates against a member of a tenant association, the law assumes that it is guilty until proven innocent. While some people assume that being an active member puts you at risk, the opposite is true — it gives you stronger protection.

  • Join a working group to tackle issues that are of particular concern to you.

    • Angry Equity’s poor maintenance of common areas? Join the Maintenance Working Group.

    • Upset about poor building security? Join the Security Working Group.

    • Want to meet new people? Join the Membership Working Group.

    • Want to help tackle legal issues? Join the Legal Working Group.

    • Have another idea about what needs to get done? Help form a new Working Group.

  • Get to know your neighbors. Engage with the community. Have fun.

How to join

Print this form, fill it out, sign it, take a photo or scan with your phone, and send it to