Broken security doors

For many months, many of the exterior security doors at 3003 Van Ness have been broken. This allows easy access into the building, either from the street or from the underground garage.

The tenant association has reported this problem to Equity Residential management many, many times — with little improvement. See the dozens of videos of broken doors we have posted on our YouTube channel.

In the spring of 2024, Equity Residential hired a new building manager for 3003 Van Ness, Dan Burkes. He has promised the tenant association that he will make strong efforts to keep all doors in good repair. We hope he is able to do that.

If you notice a broken exterior door — one that opens without a FOB — report it to Equity Residential building manager Dan Burkes via email, cc’ing the tenant association.

It also is important to use your phone to take video of the broken door as evidence of the problem. You can find examples of such video on our YouTube channel. Then send the video to the tenant association via email at, along with a description of where the broken door is.