
VNSTA launches maintenance survey

In response to may complaints from residents about serious maintenance problems in their apartments — water leaks, rodents, poor ventilation, mold and other problems — the Van Ness South Tenants Association has posted a maintenance survey for all residents of 3003 Van Ness.

VNSTA plans to compile the survey data and share it with the DC Department of Consumer Affairs and with Equity Residential, so proper steps can be taken to fix current problems in individual apartments and address chronic problems that may be more widespread.

This effort follows the recent report by VNSTA, "Structural Problems, Security Issues and Safety Hazards," which documented extensive maintenance issues in common areas at 3003 Van Ness. The report was covered by the real estate business publication BisNow and by the Forest Hills Connection.

The tenants association urges all residents of 3003 Van Ness to complete the survey, whether they have current problems, experienced problems in the past, or have no problems at all. The goal is to produce a fair, comprehensive report that will help shed light on Equity Residential’s maintenance of individual apartments at 3003 Van Ness.

VNSTA asks DCRA to issue formal letter to Equity regarding expert analysis of problems at 3003

On January 20th, the Van Ness South Tenants Association sent a letter to the DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, thanking it for its recent tour of glaring maintenance problems at 3003 Van Ness and also asking DCRA to follow-up with clear instructions to Equity Residential about next steps.

With regard to the substantial damage in the garages, the letter specifically requests that DCRA require a full analysis conducted by certified certified, independent experts in three areas: structural engineering, plumbing and waterproofing.

The letter from VNSTA to DCRA concludes:

We respectfully request that DCRA follow up its inspection with a formal letter to Equity Residential, copying the tenants association, stating its expectations for a full analysis by certified experts, as well as specific instructions for Equity in the interim.
— VNSTA letter to DCRA

DCRA orders Equity Residential to start covering up evidence of damage in underground garage

Equity Residential today started covering over damaged areas of the garage at 3003 Van Ness, concealing areas that require thorough inspection. Equity’s action was taken on the order of the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs, which had made a quick tour of the area accompanied by Equity Residential management on Friday.

DCRA, which did not have the area inspected by a certified structural engineer, licensed plumber or waterproofing consultant, moved quickly on Friday to tell Equity to cover over the damage. Equity Residential, which had allowed these problems to languish for months, acted with lightening speed to cover the areas after DCRA instructed it to make unspecified repairs.

The Van Ness South Tenants Association sent a letter to DCRA Director Mr. Ernest Chrappah on Saturday immediately after learning of the cover up. The letter states….

Tenants association releases report on the deteriorating building at 3003 Van Ness

The Van Ness South Tenants Association today released an extensive report on the condition of the buildings at 3003 Van Ness, including vivid photos of likely structural problems, security issues and safety hazards.

The tenants association sent the report with a letter to the Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA), requesting an extensive inspection of 3003 Van Ness. DCRA has fined Equity Residential, which manages the building, many times. VNSTA calls on DCRA to investigate, and if it finds substantial violations, to assess Equity Residential with additional fines sufficient to deter such behavior in the future.