VNSTA Newsletter - Dec. 10, 2022


Many residents have complained about problems with package delivery -- for example, not receiving notifications or packages getting lost. We realize that there is a high volume of packages during the holidays, but it seems that Equity Residential doesn't have enough employees at the front desk to handle it.

The tenant association wrote a letter to building manager Josh Luper, asking for improvements in package handling. The letter includes quotes from residents about the problems they have experienced. Thanks to all who shared their thoughts.


Some residents have complained to the tenant association about problems in their apartments like rodents, water leaks, mold, etc. Recently, a number also have complained about fluctuating water temperature.

We wrote a letter to building manager Josh Luper about the water issues.  Josh responded with an email claiming that such problems likely weren't systemic, but the result of local problems within the apartment plumbing. He suggests that residents submit a maintenance request.

This gets to the heart of the issue -- how to get service when you have a problem. We suggest that as a first step you file an official maintenance request via Equity Residential's MyEquityApartments portal. Be sure to note the time and data of your maintenance request. Do not simply call the front desk.

Often, this will solve the issue -- the individual maintenance people are competent. However, the team is understaffed so you may not get adequate service. Also, Equity has failed to do adequate overall maintenance of the building, so some problems have gotten worse over time.

Therefore, if submitting a maintenance request doesn't work, here is what you should do.

You should submit a request for an inspection to the DC Department of Buildings, the successor to the DC Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs. On the home of the DC DOB, there are drop-down menus for submitting a request. Simple choose "Request" in box one and "Housing and Property Maintenance Inspection" in box 2. Then follow the directions. In the past, city inspectors have responded reasonably quickly. Please also alert the tenant association that you have submitted a request an inspection.

Another tip -- take photos of the problem. If the problem isn't solved in Week #1, take photos again in Week #2 and Week #3.

If DOB finds a problem that violates the housing code, it will assess a fine on the landlord, which should force it to fix the problems promptly.


The number of members of the tenant association continues to rise. This is critically important because if Equity Residential continues with plans to sell the building, we need to have members in more than half the units in the building in order to have a say about the sale. Under the Tenant Option to Purchase Act, the tenant association can purchase the building on behalf of tenants -- giving them the change to either buy their apartments or continue renting them. Or the tenant association can negotiate with another buyer for better services.

Being a member benefits residents in other ways as well. For example, most residents have needed advice at one time or another about their rent, maintenance or security problems etc. Being a member gives you access to free advice.

There is no charge and no obligation to be a member of the tenant association. If you have friends or neighbors in the building who are not members, please encourage them to join. Information about membership is at this link. Interesting residents should fill out the form that is available via the link on that page. 


Being a member of the tenant association also gives you ways of getting news about 3003 Van Ness. If you are receiving this email, you already receiving some of the most important news. However, we don't put out these newsletters frequently because the process is very time consuming. For this reason, we put news as it happens on the VNSTA website on our news page at this link.

If you're a Twitter user, you can also follow us at @vnsta3003. 

One great way to get news and information is to join our Google Group or our WhatsApp chat -- available only to members. Those who have filled out a membership form can request the special address to join the WhatsApp chat. 


We still do not have further information about the "rent concession" scam, by which Equity Residential in the past tricked new residents into signing predatory leases and then attempted to increase their rent the following year more than the law allows. We will let you know when we hear more from the Attorney General's office. 


The DC Attorney General is forcing Equity Residential to tighten security at 3003 Van Ness because of a past record of especially poor security. The VNSTA Security Working group produced a detailed report about security failures last winter, providing extensive evidence. As a result of our advocacy and the Attorney General's pressure, security has improved somewhat -- with the installation of new security cameras, a new fob system, improved exterior lighting, a part-time security guard, and repairs of exterior doors and locks.

However, problems remain - and so we must continue to advocate for better security. For example, the staff at the front desk continues to do a poor job of checking non-residents who enter the building. (This is not entirely their fault -- there isn't enough staff to handle packages and monitor the doors.)

Here is what you can do to help:

  1. If you see a problem, like a broken lock, broken lights, or doors that have been left open, take a photo with your camera and send it with a note via email to building manager Josh Luper, cc'ing the tenant association.

  2. If you see a more serious issue that may be criminal behavior, or if someone else may be at risk (e.g., possible domestic violence), call the DC Metropolitan Police Department via 911. Some residents have been reluctant to call the police in situations that they aren't sure are serious, or they don't call if they think the situation will pass before the police can get on the scene. However, MPD asks us to call anyway so they can investigate -- often giving them the chance to defuse or deter problems. So if you aren't sure, it's always best to call. 


Local resident Matt Frumin has won the race to represent our area, Ward 3, on the DC Council. We have a good relationship with Matt, and we look forward to working with him. 

The DC Council recently attempted to pass "emergency" legislation to remove all board members of the DC Housing Authority, replacing them with members chose by the Mayor. We have been working with the presidents of other large tenant associations in our neighborhood on issues related to DCHA, particularly the misuse of housing vouchers as a tool of economic development and by vastly overpaying rents, creating windfall profits for certain landlords. See our letter to DC Council Chairman Phil Mendelson. As a result of an outpouring of criticism from housing advocates, Chairman Mendelson postponed efforts to bring the bill to a vote. 


Some residents have complained about problems with second-hand smoke from other apartments. If the ventilation system is working properly, smoke should not travel from one apartment to another. However, it doesn't always work right, and some apartments are affected by cigarette or marijuana smoke from neighbors. 

Other large apartment buildings also have been dealing with this problem. We don't have a satisfying solution at this point, but we suggest that if you have a problem with second-hand smoke that you make sure to report it to managementin order to leave a paper trail. Be sure to cc the tenant association. If the problem persists, continue to email management periodically, extending the paper trail.

In the meantime, we are talking to city officials and others about how this problem can be addressed.  


Print out this membership flyer and post it in your laundry room. If someone takes it down, post it again!

We wish everyone the best for the holidays!